Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Perhaps I am as this.. My stand on love....

take a listen... if you have the time... I'm trying to love.. and learning to be loved...

Monday, November 16, 2009


Sometimes I wonder if people really think I am rebelious... But I'm really pertubed by several fb groups and how people simply just join them. Like the one about the 2012 movie.. granted it is rather silly but.. I think.. We really out to think and reflect about it... at the rate we are going.. or even on the futility of life.

I think the next group which focuses on hating the pap...and going against it.. I mean.. if these were old folks perhaps there be some reason but how did 12 13 14 yr olds conclude and hate the PAP? I mean.. how is that possible.. when they fail to realise that they are really far more blessed than the rest.. I think our kids really need to see things.. differently... and well sigh. its depressing

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Many things

Mebbe its the season... or something.. think I'm really just going to explode with regards to some stuff... more stuff in church.. and all that.. And I wonder why?

Sigh.... I'm really wondering why people just don't see this whole YA thing.. How do you really explain that.. following stuff like fellowships and all that. Do these guys know what fellowship is all about? Its not a bunch of poseurs, self-centered adults talking together from the upper echelons of society. Having things which they want, which makes them feel better. Its like saying, if the service, doesn't suit us we will leave church. So the church has to come up with a service to suit you. Is that true fellowship? How is this not exclusive? This batch and generation looks inward too much. Church has to kiss your ass so much so that you feel better and you won't leave church. Why is the YA service in this style? Is it no perhaps influenced? Mebbe we should all just dig deeper beyond the surface and see that we need to look beyond ourselves and serve...

Monday, November 9, 2009


Back in the days.. when we heard Tevin Sing... a little like Mr Michael with the great Quincy Jones...

A better you and Better me... Let's try..

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wandering Wanders Aliens from out of this world

And so... a group of friends of mine have decided to start reading up some letters... from a guy called the Rock.. I hope it would be a good reminder for us to re-examine our lives and how our faith or really the thing we call faith is lived out.

Walking around, I wonder if we would ever find it easy to Survive.. or perhaps at this point its too easy..I find it a struggle.. to live a life of the ages each day... yet I am commanded to be an obedient child. I really hope we could lead the life refined.

At each stage, the greatest encouragement we get is not from signs or wonders, its from simply meeting a fellow traveller and encouraging each other. I'm glad I met one today... I hope the companions given to me will continue to journey but if they should part, i know we would meet at the finish point somehow....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wedding that just passed and thoughts

So this is very much a delayed post... Took sometime to reflect on the events of the wedding and some practices. First up, the whole door thing. Getting a young child from the female side to open the door.. I wonder where such a practice existed from. Isn't there a door handle to open? But that's not the big issue, its the whole idea of going to the brides house to pick up the bride. WHy? then go home then go bride's house... Can't we simply meet at our father's house? To see your bride walk down the aisle for the first time is lost when you go to the house. Also the practice of haggling at the door is just plain wrong. Why am I required to pay money to a bunch of women so that I can enter the door of the house of the bride? Firstly, its not their house, they don't have claim over the bride or own the bride. If this was Christian and the groom is supposed to Christ then mebbe, but what am I supposed to be nailed on the cross to prove my love for the bride. To do silly things on the spot, to be as outrageous as possible t prove a point to all that I really LOVE my wife? hmmmm I think she already agreed to marry me based on my past track record. What more do I have to prove? That perhaps is the idea of love for most people think is. Where is constant love and faith shown? I truly wonder.....

I really felt sick at the thought of doing all these things to simply gain access and entry. It is totally meaningless... TOTALLY. Is it just plain culture? or perhaps to risk being labelled for labelling, an asian thing of doing all these to prove a point. In many self help Christian books, they talk about helping the groom and bride to love each other to bring them closer etc. Yet for a Christian wedding, we adopt practices which want to make it more difficult for the broom to get the bride. Silly ain't it. THink about it, are we really that two minded? Perhaps this would help illustrate the silliness of it all. THink of all the games and things you play on the wedding day. Would you do any of that at the church? I highly doubt it. And why won't you do it? Answer that yourself....

SO if you don't and won't ever want to do it at the church. Why then should you do it outside? are church and outside church different? If the people involved are the same?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Soul Asylum-Runaway Train

Its sad ain't it?